Tuesday, October 27, 2020

T Minus 7 Days to Election 2020: Thoughts

 T Minus 7 Days to Election 2020: Thoughts

   Socialism is the stepping stone, or pit stop, on the way to communism. Marx himself said so. The more centralized government becomes, the more totalitarian it gets. This is the frightening course on which these United States is on in the year 2020. A loud mouth business man vs. a progressive leftist Alzheimer's patient, and a Marxist. One must ask, what are the leftist progressives progressing toward? The only logical answer is: Communism. 

   This communist takeover has happened over many decades, begun most likely, with the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, and "progressing" steadily since. The communists have been very patient. Remaining in the shadows at first by infiltrating the education of the citizenry from kindergarten, up. They skewed history lessions to their agenda, withheld truths, and vilified the most prosperous system ever created; Capitalism, the free market. 

   No system of government has lifted more people out of poverty, created wealth, fostered innovation, and raised the standard of living, as Capitalism. Especially when that system lives in a representative republic. Communism on the other hand, has led invariably to shortages of essential goods, increased proverty, the quashing of innovation, vast abridgements on freedom of speech (resulting in political imprisonment), torture, and ultimately, the death of millions of innocent people, all while systematically chipping away at all of the rights of the individual. There is no freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, or any other unalienable rights, within the communist system. The people become slaves of the government, and if one believes otherwise, they are clouded by delusion, and institutional brainwashing.

   Thomas Paine wrote, "These are the times that try men's souls" in December of 1776, before Washington crossed the Delaware River during the War for Independence. Some 244 years hence, and here we go again. When will we ever learn? Sadly, it may be never, certainly not before my generation passes. It is a terrifying prospect, and one that worries so many. Worry however, is not enough: Action is necessary. Action not in the form of violence, for that is a futile and destructive endeavor. No, we must act with our vote. In order to preserve the Union, we must vote against those who hold leftist principles and vote for the conservation of the values on which we were founded; those based on the individual and the immutable characteristics of a moral people, thos that maintain freedom, the rights of each and every person, the preservation of law and order, the free market, innovation, and, dare it be written; American Exceptionalism.  We must vote to  honor the spirit and intent of the Founders and their documents which were written with the open eyes and the ultimate purpose of protecting us from our most obvious, and oft chosen obscured enemy: Ourselves.


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