Saturday, February 8, 2020

What Matters

What Matters
by Lori Slager
(Copyright 2020)

I don't care...
If you love Trump,
because you make me laugh when we're together.
I don't care...
If you love Obama,
because I see how you grieve your mother.
Do you care?

I don't care...
If you're a vegan
because I feel good when you are here.
I don't care...
If you're a carnivore
because as a friend, you're always there.
Do you care?

What matters is our humanity,
What is felt between you and me.
What matters is the way we see,
The reflections of ourselves so clear,
When we look into each other's eyes.

I don't care...
If you hate Trump,
Because you love your children so.
I don't care...
If you hate Pelosi,
Because your hugs lift me from being low.
Do you care?

I don't care...
What you think about gender
Because I see only your kindness.
I don't care...
What you think about the climate
Because the warmth between us is my fuel.
Do you care?

What matters is our humanity,
What is felt between you and me.
What matters is the way we see,
The reflections of ourselves so clear,
When we look into each other's eyes.

Don't let our politics divide us;
We are not made of just these views.
We must not box each other in
Because we reach different conclusions.
We see the world through different eyes,
Shaped by our singular experiences.
Let me love your heart, your passion, your emotion.
Please accept my unconditional devotion.
I was your friend before political campaigns,
I'm still me, I haven't changed.
I see the qualities that are unique,
How you treat the world around you.
Your politics are not your character,
It's your integrity that is.
Can you still see how much I care?
Can you still see me?
Will you dare...
To look beyond, behind, and around
To appreciate the person that you first found, in me?

I don't care...
What gods that you believe in,
Because you reach out to the whole community.
I don't care...
If you are an atheist,
Because you have faith in humanity.

I don't care...
If your house is clean and germ-free,
Because your door is open.
I don't care...
About your tattoos, or piercings, or clothing,
Because your heart is beautiful.

What matters is our humanity,
What is felt between you and me.
What matters is the way we see,
The reflections of ourselves so clear,
When we look into each other's eyes.

What matters is that we are free,
To think, and feel, and live and be,
As different people, you and me,
As members of humanity.

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